Monolake Trip (6/2/2012)

In my long drivers, whether I’m entering into Humbolt county (Redwood National Park) or nearing Sierras, I always feel an awakening. Something like, I woke up from trance. Anticipation fill my heart. I wish my communication skills go beyond talking through images, so that I could express them in words.

I went to Tioga Pass this weekend. But this time, for some reason; I did not feel that I’m at subalpine environment. I was on Tioga pass during mid-day; that could be the reason I did not enjoy it that much. It was much better from Tuolumne Meadows to Yosemite park exit. Tuolumne river is flowing at very low levels. No signs of flowers in meadows and very few patches of corn lillies here and there. We only stopped at couple of places very briefly.
We went to Monlake for sunset. South Tufa area is best place to see monolake unique geological feature tufas.  This area is more photogenic than other places around monolake. Drive 3 to 5 miles north towards Reno for complete view of the lake.
Sunset was spectacular that day.


We also shot sunrise at the same place. You can see alpine glow (left to right) Mt. Lewis, Mt. Gibbs and Mt. Dana.

Here is another composition from same place.

Happy Clicking